Today, we’re super excited to chat with Jacques David Commarmond, the CEO of GWS Technologies. Jacques discovered POP Save while prepping for his wedding and honeymoon, looking for a smart, risk-free way to save and grow his money. His experience with POP Save has been filled with pleasant surprises and insightful moments. Let’s dive in!
What piqued your interest in trying out POP Save, and has it managed to surprise you?
I was preparing my budget and cashflow for my upcoming wedding and honeymoon, and was looking for a way to save money, without risk, and make some money along the way.
I then heard some friends talk about POP Save, which offered a high interest rate p.a. “instantaneously”. At first I was a bit doubtful, so I transferred MUR 1,000 from my bank account to POP Save, and immediately cashed out after a few minutes. And the cashout already had a few cents worth of interest transferred back to my bank account.
This is when I made the leap of faith and moved the whole of my Wedding Savings over to POP, which over a couple of months, generated something like MUR 4,000+ interest, which is always nice to have in such a situation 🙂
My honeymoon savings is still on POP, and still generating interest every second as we speak.
How has the simplicity and convenience of POP Save changed your saving habits compared to other methods you’ve tried before?
The whole onboarding, KYC, and setting up of POP Save automatic transfer every month was a very simple and flawless experience.
When you ran into a glitch or two on the app, how did our POP team come to your rescue?
The only “glitch” I ran into was me trying to cash out the whole balance on a Saturday afternoon when the bank was closed. It’s good to know that POP, for security reasons doesn’t allow > MUR 50,000 transfer via MAUCAS, so I became a bit livid when I tried to cash out, saw my POP Save balance become Rs 0, and received an SMS saying the transfer failed.
I immediately called the POP Save support number and spoke to a nice lady who reassured me and explained everything (I heard her baby crying in the background, I’m guessing she was working from home, but still devoting the dedication to her customers at the same time she was taking care of her family, a very human experience, which was very good), and said that her team would do the transfer manually on Monday.
And she did follow-up on Monday with them, and I did get my balance with interest on my bank account.
Did POP Save help you reach your financial goals? We want to know 😀 !
Yes, with a twist ! And I left it to automatically continue the account for the travel goal, so it does force me to also order less fast food delivery and cook a bit more at home because the cash is already gone (So I’ll also travel more healthily when the time comes )
Would you recommend POP Save to your friends and family?
Definitely ! It’s easy, safe, backed by a bank, with a team of nice human beings there to help you, and you actually make money out of it with low risk of a volatile traditional investment portfolio. And in case of emergency, you can always cash out early and get the funds back in your bank account, there’s no commitment period.